EofSensorInputStream.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API10442Wed May 06 22:41:10 BST 2009org.apache.http.conn


public class EofSensorInputStream extends InputStream implements ConnectionReleaseTrigger
A stream wrapper that triggers actions on {@link #close close()} and EOF. Primarily used to auto-release an underlying {@link ManagedClientConnection connection} when the response body is consumed or no longer needed.

This class is based on AutoCloseInputStream in HttpClient 3.1, but has notable differences. It does not allow mark/reset, distinguishes different kinds of event, and does not always close the underlying stream on EOF. That decision is left to the {@link EofSensorWatcher watcher}.

EofSensorWatcher EofSensorWatcher
Roland Weber
Ortwin Glueck
Eric Johnson
Mike Bowler
$Revision: 672367 $

Fields Summary
protected InputStream
The wrapped input stream, while accessible. The value changes to null when the wrapped stream becomes inaccessible.
private boolean
Indicates whether this stream itself is closed. If it isn't, but {@link #wrappedStream wrappedStream} is null, we're running in EOF mode. All read operations will indicate EOF without accessing the underlying stream. After closing this stream, read operations will trigger an {@link IOException IOException}.
private EofSensorWatcher
The watcher to be notified, if any.
Constructors Summary
public EofSensorInputStream(InputStream in, EofSensorWatcher watcher)
Creates a new EOF sensor. If no watcher is passed, the underlying stream will simply be closed when EOF is detected or {@link #close close} is called. Otherwise, the watcher decides whether the underlying stream should be closed before detaching from it.

in the wrapped stream
watcher the watcher for events, or null for auto-close behavior without notification

        if (in == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException
                ("Wrapped stream may not be null.");

        wrappedStream = in;
        selfClosed = false;
        eofWatcher = watcher;
Methods Summary
public voidabortConnection()
Aborts this stream. This is a special version of {@link #close close()} which prevents re-use of the underlying connection, if any. Calling this method indicates that there should be no attempt to read until the end of the stream.

        // tolerate multiple calls
        selfClosed = true;
public intavailable()

        int a = 0; // not -1

        if (isReadAllowed()) {
            try {
                a = wrappedStream.available();
                // no checkEOF() here, available() can't trigger EOF
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw ex;

        return a;
protected voidcheckAbort()
Detects stream abort and notifies the watcher. There's not much to detect since this is called by {@link #abortConnection abortConnection}. The watcher will only be notified if this stream is aborted for the first time and before EOF has been detected or the stream has been {@link #close closed} gracefully. This stream will be detached from the underlying stream to prevent multiple notifications to the watcher.

IOException in case of an IO problem on closing the underlying stream

        if (wrappedStream != null) {
            try {
                boolean scws = true; // should close wrapped stream?
                if (eofWatcher != null)
                    scws = eofWatcher.streamAbort(wrappedStream);
                if (scws)
            } finally {
                wrappedStream = null;
protected voidcheckClose()
Detects stream close and notifies the watcher. There's not much to detect since this is called by {@link #close close}. The watcher will only be notified if this stream is closed for the first time and before EOF has been detected. This stream will be detached from the underlying stream to prevent multiple notifications to the watcher.

IOException in case of an IO problem on closing the underlying stream

        if (wrappedStream != null) {
            try {
                boolean scws = true; // should close wrapped stream?
                if (eofWatcher != null)
                    scws = eofWatcher.streamClosed(wrappedStream);
                if (scws)
            } finally {
                wrappedStream = null;
protected voidcheckEOF(int eof)
Detects EOF and notifies the watcher. This method should only be called while the underlying stream is still accessible. Use {@link #isReadAllowed isReadAllowed} to check that condition.
If EOF is detected, the watcher will be notified and this stream is detached from the underlying stream. This prevents multiple notifications from this stream.

eof the result of the calling read operation. A negative value indicates that EOF is reached.
IOException in case of an IO problem on closing the underlying stream

        if ((wrappedStream != null) && (eof < 0)) {
            try {
                boolean scws = true; // should close wrapped stream?
                if (eofWatcher != null)
                    scws = eofWatcher.eofDetected(wrappedStream);
                if (scws)
            } finally {
                wrappedStream = null;
public voidclose()

        // tolerate multiple calls to close()
        selfClosed = true;
protected booleanisReadAllowed()
Checks whether the underlying stream can be read from.

true if the underlying stream is accessible, false if this stream is in EOF mode and detached from the underlying stream
IOException if this stream is already closed

        if (selfClosed) {
            throw new IOException("Attempted read on closed stream.");
        return (wrappedStream != null);
public intread()

        int l = -1;

        if (isReadAllowed()) {
            try {
                l =;
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw ex;

        return l;
public intread(byte[] b, int off, int len)

        int l = -1;

        if (isReadAllowed()) {
            try {
                l =,  off,  len);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw ex;

        return l;
public intread(byte[] b)

        int l = -1;

        if (isReadAllowed()) {
            try {
                l =;
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw ex;
        return l;
public voidreleaseConnection()
Same as {@link #close close()}.
