ClassInfo.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API10287Wed May 06 22:41:00 BST

 * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.util.*;

public class ClassInfo {
    private String mName;
    private String mSuperClassName;
    private boolean mIsInterface;
    private boolean mIsAbstract;
    private boolean mIsStatic;
    private boolean mIsFinal;
    private String mDeprecated;
    private String mScope;
    private List<String> mInterfaces;
    private HashMap<String, MethodInfo> mMethods;
    private HashMap<String, FieldInfo> mFields;
    private HashMap<String, ConstructorInfo> mConstructors;
    private boolean mExistsInBoth;
    private PackageInfo mPackage;
    private SourcePositionInfo mSourcePosition;
    private ClassInfo mSuperClass;
    private ClassInfo mParentClass;

    public ClassInfo(String name, PackageInfo pack, String superClass, boolean isInterface,
                     boolean isAbstract, boolean isStatic, boolean isFinal, String deprecated,
                     String visibility, SourcePositionInfo source, ClassInfo parent) {
        mName = name;
        mPackage = pack;
        mSuperClassName = superClass;
        mIsInterface = isInterface;
        mIsAbstract = isAbstract;
        mIsStatic = isStatic;
        mIsFinal = isFinal;
        mDeprecated = deprecated;
        mScope = visibility;
        mInterfaces = new ArrayList<String>();
        mMethods = new HashMap<String, MethodInfo>();
        mFields = new HashMap<String, FieldInfo>();
        mConstructors = new HashMap<String, ConstructorInfo>();
        mExistsInBoth = false;
        mSourcePosition = source;
        mParentClass = parent;

    public String name() {
        return mName;

    public String qualifiedName() {
        String parentQName = (mParentClass != null)
                ? (mParentClass.qualifiedName() + ".")
                : "";
        return + "." + parentQName + name();

    public String superclassName() {
        return mSuperClassName;
    public SourcePositionInfo position() {
        return mSourcePosition;

    public boolean isInterface() {
        return mIsInterface;

    public boolean isFinal() {
        return mIsFinal;
    // Find a superclass implementation of the given method.  Looking at our superclass
    // instead of at 'this' is unusual, but it fits the point-of-call demands well.
    public MethodInfo overriddenMethod(MethodInfo candidate) {
        if (mSuperClass == null) {
            return null;
        // does our immediate superclass have it?
        ClassInfo sup = mSuperClass;
        for (MethodInfo mi : sup.mMethods.values()) {
            if (mi.matches(candidate)) {
                // found it
                return mi;

        // no, so recurse
        if (sup.mSuperClass != null) {
            return mSuperClass.overriddenMethod(candidate);
        // no parent, so we just don't have it
        return null;
    public boolean isConsistent(ClassInfo cl) {
        cl.mExistsInBoth = true;
        mExistsInBoth = true;
        boolean consistent = true;

        if (isInterface() != cl.isInterface()) {
            Errors.error(Errors.CHANGED_CLASS, cl.position(),
                    "Class " + cl.qualifiedName()
                    + " changed class/interface declaration");
            consistent = false;
        for (String iface : mInterfaces) {
            if (!cl.mInterfaces.contains(iface)) {
                Errors.error(Errors.REMOVED_INTERFACE, cl.position(),
                        "Class " + qualifiedName() + " no longer implements " + iface);
        for (String iface : cl.mInterfaces) {
          if (!mInterfaces.contains(iface)) {
              Errors.error(Errors.ADDED_INTERFACE, cl.position(),
                      "Added interface " + iface + " to class "
                      + qualifiedName());
              consistent = false;
        for (MethodInfo mInfo : mMethods.values()) {
            if (cl.mMethods.containsKey(mInfo.getHashableName())) {
                if (!mInfo.isConsistent(cl.mMethods.get(mInfo.getHashableName()))) {
                    consistent = false;
            } else {
                /* This class formerly provided this method directly, and now does not.
                 * Check our ancestry to see if there's an inherited version that still
                 * fulfills the API requirement.
                MethodInfo mi = mInfo.containingClass().overriddenMethod(mInfo);
                if (mi == null) {
                    Errors.error(Errors.REMOVED_METHOD, mInfo.position(),
                            "Removed public method " + mInfo.qualifiedName());
                    consistent = false;
        for (MethodInfo mInfo : cl.mMethods.values()) {
            if (!mInfo.isInBoth()) {
                /* Similarly to the above, do not fail if this "new" method is
                 * really an override of an existing superclass method.
                MethodInfo mi = mInfo.containingClass().overriddenMethod(mInfo);
                if (mi == null) {
                    Errors.error(Errors.ADDED_METHOD, mInfo.position(),
                            "Added public method " + mInfo.qualifiedName());
                    consistent = false;
        for (ConstructorInfo mInfo : mConstructors.values()) {
          if (cl.mConstructors.containsKey(mInfo.getHashableName())) {
              if (!mInfo.isConsistent(cl.mConstructors.get(mInfo.getHashableName()))) {
                  consistent = false;
          } else {
              Errors.error(Errors.REMOVED_METHOD, mInfo.position(),
                      "Removed public constructor " + mInfo.prettySignature());
              consistent = false;
        for (ConstructorInfo mInfo : cl.mConstructors.values()) {
            if (!mInfo.isInBoth()) {
                Errors.error(Errors.ADDED_METHOD, mInfo.position(),
                        "Added public constructor " + mInfo.prettySignature());
                consistent = false;
        for (FieldInfo mInfo : mFields.values()) {
          if (cl.mFields.containsKey(mInfo.qualifiedName())) {
              if (!mInfo.isConsistent(cl.mFields.get(mInfo.qualifiedName()))) {
                  consistent = false;
          } else {
              Errors.error(Errors.REMOVED_FIELD, mInfo.position(),
                      "Removed field " + mInfo.qualifiedName());
              consistent = false;
        for (FieldInfo mInfo : cl.mFields.values()) {
            if (!mInfo.isInBoth()) {
                Errors.error(Errors.ADDED_FIELD, mInfo.position(),
                        "Added public field " + mInfo.qualifiedName());
                consistent = false;
        if (mIsAbstract != cl.mIsAbstract) {
            consistent = false;
            Errors.error(Errors.CHANGED_ABSTRACT, cl.position(),
                    "Class " + cl.qualifiedName() + " changed abstract qualifier");
        if (mIsFinal != cl.mIsFinal) {
            consistent = false;
            Errors.error(Errors.CHANGED_FINAL, cl.position(),
                    "Class " + cl.qualifiedName() + " changed final qualifier");
        if (mIsStatic != cl.mIsStatic) {
            consistent = false;
            Errors.error(Errors.CHANGED_STATIC, cl.position(),
                    "Class " + cl.qualifiedName() + " changed static qualifier");
        if (!mScope.equals(cl.mScope)) {
            consistent = false;
            Errors.error(Errors.CHANGED_SCOPE, cl.position(),
                    "Class " + cl.qualifiedName() + " scope changed from "
                    + mScope + " to " + cl.mScope);
        if (!mDeprecated.equals(cl.mDeprecated)) {
            consistent = false;
            Errors.error(Errors.CHANGED_DEPRECATED, cl.position(),
                    "Class " + cl.qualifiedName() + " has changed deprecation state");
        if (mSuperClassName != null) {
            if (cl.mSuperClassName == null || !mSuperClassName.equals(cl.mSuperClassName)) {
                consistent = false;
                Errors.error(Errors.CHANGED_SUPERCLASS, cl.position(),
                        "Class " + qualifiedName() + " superclass changed from "
                        + mSuperClassName + " to " + cl.mSuperClassName);
        } else if (cl.mSuperClassName != null) {
            consistent = false;
            Errors.error(Errors.CHANGED_SUPERCLASS, cl.position(),
                    "Class " + qualifiedName() + " superclass changed from "
                    + "null to " + cl.mSuperClassName);
        return consistent;
    public void addInterface(String name) {
    public void addMethod(MethodInfo mInfo) {
        mMethods.put(mInfo.getHashableName(), mInfo);
    public void addConstructor(ConstructorInfo cInfo) {
        mConstructors.put(cInfo.getHashableName(), cInfo);
    public void addField(FieldInfo fInfo) {
        mFields.put(fInfo.qualifiedName(), fInfo);
    public void setSuperClass(ClassInfo superclass) {
        mSuperClass = superclass;
    public boolean isInBoth() {
        return mExistsInBoth;
