Options.javaAPI DocApache Axis 1.410285Sat Apr 22 18:57:28 BST 2006org.apache.axis.utils

 * Copyright 2001-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.axis.utils ;

 * General purpose command line options parser.
 * If this is used outside of Axis just remove the Axis specific sections.
 * @author Doug Davis (

import org.apache.axis.components.logger.LogFactory;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Vector;

public class Options {
    protected static Log log =

    String  args[]     = null ;
    Vector  usedArgs   = null ;
    URL     defaultURL = null ;

    // SOASS (Start of Axis Specific Stuff)

    // EOASS

     * Constructor - just pass in the <b>args</b> from the command line.
    public Options(String _args[]) throws MalformedURLException {
        if (_args == null) {
            _args = new String [] {};
        args = _args ;
        usedArgs = null ;
        defaultURL = new URL("http://localhost:8080/axis/servlet/AxisServlet");
        // SOASS

        /* Process these well known options first */
        try {
        } catch( MalformedURLException e ) {
            log.error( Messages.getMessage("cantDoURL00") );
            throw e ;

        // EOASS

    public void setDefaultURL(String url) throws MalformedURLException {
        defaultURL = new URL(url);

    public void setDefaultURL(URL url) {
        defaultURL = url ;

     * Returns an int specifying the number of times that the flag was
     * specified on the command line.  Once this flag is looked for you
     * must save the result because if you call it again for the same
     * flag you'll get zero.
    public int isFlagSet(char optChar) {
        int  value = 0 ;
        int  loop ;
        int  i ;

        for ( loop = 0 ; usedArgs != null && loop < usedArgs.size() ; loop++ ) {
            String arg = (String) usedArgs.elementAt(loop);
            if ( arg.charAt(0) != '-' ) continue ;
            for ( i = 0 ; i < arg.length() ; i++ )
                if ( arg.charAt(i) == optChar ) value++ ;

        for ( loop = 0 ; loop < args.length ; loop++ ) {
            if ( args[loop] == null || args[loop].length() == 0 ) continue ;
            if ( args[loop].charAt(0) != '-' ) continue ;
            while (args[loop] != null && 
                   (i = args[loop].indexOf(optChar)) != -1) {
                args[loop] = args[loop].substring(0, i) + args[loop].substring(i+1) ;
                if ( args[loop].length() == 1 ) 
                    args[loop] = null ;
                value++ ;
                if ( usedArgs == null ) usedArgs = new Vector();
                usedArgs.add( "-" + optChar );
        return( value );

     * Returns a string (or null) specifying the value for the passed
     * option.  If the option isn't there then null is returned.  The
     * option's value can be specified one of two ways:
     *   -x value
     *   -xvalue
     * Note that:  -ax value
     * is not value (meaning flag 'a' followed by option 'x'.
     * Options with values must be the first char after the '-'.
     * If the option is specified more than once then the last one wins.
    public String isValueSet(char optChar) {
        String  value = null ;
        int     loop ;
        int     i ;

        for ( loop = 0 ; usedArgs != null && loop < usedArgs.size() ; loop++ ) {
            String arg = (String) usedArgs.elementAt(loop);
            if ( arg.charAt(0) != '-' || arg.charAt(1) != optChar )
                continue ;
            value = arg.substring(2);
            if ( loop+1 < usedArgs.size() )
                value = (String) usedArgs.elementAt(++loop);

        for ( loop = 0 ; loop < args.length ; loop++ ) {
            if ( args[loop] == null || args[loop].length() == 0 ) continue ;
            if ( args[loop].charAt(0) != '-' ) continue ;
            i = args[loop].indexOf( optChar );
            if ( i != 1 ) continue ;
            if ( i != args[loop].length()-1 ) {
                // Not at end of arg, so use rest of arg as value 
                value = args[loop].substring(i+1) ;
                args[loop] = args[loop].substring(0, i);
            else {
                // Remove the char from the current arg
                args[loop] = args[loop].substring(0, i);

                // Nothing after char so use next arg
                if ( loop+1 < args.length && args[loop+1] != null ) {
                    // Next arg is there and non-null
                    if ( args[loop+1].charAt(0) != '-' ) {
                        value = args[loop+1];
                        args[loop+1] = null ;
                else {
                    // Next is null or not there - do nothing
                    // value = null ;
            if ( args[loop].length() == 1 ) 
                args[loop] = null ;
            // For now, keep looping to get that last on there
            // break ; 
        if ( value != null ) {
            if ( usedArgs == null ) usedArgs = new Vector();
            usedArgs.add( "-" + optChar );
            if ( value.length() > 0 ) usedArgs.add( value );
        return( value );

     * This just returns a string with the unprocessed flags - mainly
     * for error reporting - so you can report the unknown flags.
    public String getRemainingFlags() {
        StringBuffer sb = null ;
        int          loop ;

        for ( loop = 0 ; loop < args.length ; loop++ ) {
            if ( args[loop] == null || args[loop].length() == 0 ) continue ;
            if ( args[loop].charAt(0) != '-' ) continue ;
            if ( sb == null ) sb = new StringBuffer();
            sb.append( args[loop].substring(1) );
        return( sb == null ? null : sb.toString() );

     * This returns an array of unused args - these are the non-option
     * args from the command line.
    public String[] getRemainingArgs() {
        ArrayList  al = null ;
        int        loop ;

        for ( loop = 0 ; loop < args.length ; loop++ ) {
            if ( args[loop] == null || args[loop].length() == 0 ) continue ;
            if ( args[loop].charAt(0) == '-' ) continue ;
            if ( al == null ) al = new ArrayList();
            al.add( (String) args[loop] );
        if ( al == null ) return( null );
        String a[] = new String[ al.size() ];
        for ( loop = 0 ; loop < al.size() ; loop++ )
            a[loop] = (String) al.get(loop);
        return( a );

    // SOASS
    public String getURL() throws MalformedURLException {
        String  tmp ;
        String  host = null ;      // -h    also -l (url)
        String  port = null ;      // -p
        String  servlet = null ;   // -s    also -f (file)
        String  protocol = null ;

        URL     url = null ;
        // Just in case...

        if ( (tmp = isValueSet( 'l' )) != null ) {
            url = new URL( tmp );
            host = url.getHost();
            port = "" + url.getPort();
            servlet = url.getFile();
            protocol = url.getProtocol();

        if ( (tmp = isValueSet( 'f' )) != null ) {
            host = "";
            port = "-1";
            servlet = tmp;
            protocol = "file";

        tmp = isValueSet( 'h' ); if ( host == null ) host = tmp ;
        tmp = isValueSet( 'p' ); if ( port == null ) port = tmp ;
        tmp = isValueSet( 's' ); if ( servlet == null ) servlet = tmp ;

        if ( host == null ) host = defaultURL.getHost();
        if ( port == null ) port = "" + defaultURL.getPort();
        if ( servlet == null ) servlet = defaultURL.getFile();
            if ( servlet.length()>0 && servlet.charAt(0)!='/' ) 
                servlet = "/" + servlet ;

        if (url == null) {
            if (protocol == null) protocol = defaultURL.getProtocol();
            tmp = protocol + "://" + host ;
            if ( port != null && !port.equals("-1")) tmp += ":" + port ;
            if ( servlet != null ) tmp += servlet ;
        } else tmp = url.toString();
        log.debug( Messages.getMessage("return02", "getURL", tmp) );
        return( tmp );
    public String getHost() {
        try {
            URL url = new URL(getURL());
            return( url.getHost() );
        catch( Exception exp ) {
            return( "localhost" );

    public int getPort() {
        try {
            URL url = new URL(getURL());
            return( url.getPort() );
        catch( Exception exp ) {
            return( -1 );

    public String getUser() {
        return( isValueSet('u') );

    public String getPassword() {
        return( isValueSet('w') );
    // EOASS