InsertTags.javaAPI DocExample10164Thu Feb 17 20:00:42 GMT 2000com.togethersoft.modules.inserttags

Copyright (c)2000 TogetherSoft LLC. Patents pending. All rights reserved.

package com.togethersoft.modules.inserttags;

import com.togethersoft.openapi.ide.IdeContext;
import com.togethersoft.openapi.ide.IdeScript;
import com.togethersoft.openapi.ide.project.IdeProjectManagerAccess;
import com.togethersoft.openapi.ide.message.IdeMessageManagerAccess;
import com.togethersoft.openapi.ide.window.IdeWindowManager;
import com.togethersoft.openapi.ide.window.IdeWindowManagerAccess;
import com.togethersoft.openapi.ide.window.IdeButtonType;
import com.togethersoft.openapi.ide.window.IdeDialogButtonGroup;
import com.togethersoft.openapi.ide.message.IdeMessageType;
import com.togethersoft.openapi.ide.window.IdeDialogType;
import com.togethersoft.openapi.ide.diagram.IdeDiagramManagerAccess;
import com.togethersoft.openapi.ide.diagram.IdeDiagramManager;
import com.togethersoft.openapi.rwi.RwiVisitorAdapter;
import com.togethersoft.openapi.rwi.RwiElement;
import com.togethersoft.openapi.rwi.RwiPackage;
import com.togethersoft.openapi.rwi.RwiNode;
import com.togethersoft.openapi.rwi.RwiMember;
import com.togethersoft.openapi.rwi.RwiProperty;
import com.togethersoft.openapi.rwi.RwiDiagram;
import com.togethersoft.openapi.rwi.RwiShapeType;
import com.togethersoft.openapi.rwi.enum.RwiNodeEnumeration;
import com.togethersoft.openapi.rwi.enum.RwiPackageEnumeration;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import javax.swing.JList;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel;

 * This sample script inserts the specified tag into the selected source elements (packages/classes/interfaces and operations/attributes)
 * without this kind of a tag.
 * If the user selects a class diagram, this script will process the contents (with subpackages) of its containing package.
 * Note that if you select a package icon, the selected element is RwiDiagram (see API docs, RwiDiagram)
 * and the RwiPackage being represented by it can be obtained via RwiDiagram.getContainingPackage() method (this is done in
 * the TagsInserterVisitor.visitDiagram method). That is why if you select a package icon you will get what you want - it will
 * insert tags in all possible elements within the package and its subpackages. But if you select a free space in a diagram the
 * selected element will also be RwiDiagram (alas), so the script will insert tags not only in this diagram's
 * elements, but in the diagram's containing package elements (and elements in its subpackages).
 * This is because it applies the same algorithm to the RwiDiagrams.
 * Pay attention to how we use visitors - it is a very convenient pattern.
 * @version 3.0.0
 * @author TogetherSoft LLC
public class InsertTags implements IdeScript {
    public void run(IdeContext context) {
        IdeMessageManagerAccess.printMessage(IdeMessageType.INFORMATION, "InsertTags script: started");
        //checking if project is opened.
        if (IdeProjectManagerAccess.getProjectManager().getActiveProject() == null) {
            IdeMessageManagerAccess.printMessage(IdeMessageType.ERROR_MODAL, "No open project");
            IdeMessageManagerAccess.printMessage(IdeMessageType.INFORMATION, "InsertTags script: finished");
        //we need an opened diagram to get an element to work with
        IdeDiagramManager diagramManager = IdeDiagramManagerAccess.getDiagramManager();
        if (diagramManager.getActiveDiagram() == null) {
            IdeMessageManagerAccess.printMessage(IdeMessageType.ERROR_MODAL, "No open diagram");
            IdeMessageManagerAccess.printMessage(IdeMessageType.INFORMATION, "Lesson12 script: finished");
        //the array of selected RwiElements
        RwiElement[] selectedRwiElements = context.getRwiElements();
        if (selectedRwiElements == null || selectedRwiElements.length == 0) {
            IdeMessageManagerAccess.printMessage(IdeMessageType.ERROR_MODAL, "No selection was made.");
            IdeMessageManagerAccess.printMessage(IdeMessageType.INFORMATION, "InsertTags script: finished");
        JLabel header = new JLabel("Insert or change tags in " + selectedRwiElements.length + " selected elements");
        windowManager = IdeWindowManagerAccess.getWindowManager();
        //standard Swing stuff
        JTextField tagField = new JTextField(DEFAULT_TAG);
        JTextField tagValueField = new JTextField(DEFAULT_TAG_VALUE);
        //getting the pressed button
        String answer = windowManager.showOptionDialog(null, "Enter the tag and its value", IdeMessageType.INFORMATION, new Object[] {
            header, tagField, tagValueField
        }, IdeButtonType.OK_CANCEL_BUTTONS, null);
        if (!IdeButtonType.OK.equals(answer)) { //not OK has been pressed
            IdeMessageManagerAccess.printMessage(IdeMessageType.INFORMATION, "InsertTags script: finished");
        TagsInserter tagsVisitor = new TagsInserter(tagField.getText(), tagValueField.getText());
        for (int i = 0; i < selectedRwiElements.length; i++) { //working with the selection
            selectedRwiElements[i].accept(tagsVisitor); //the visitor inserts the tags
        IdeMessageManagerAccess.printMessage(IdeMessageType.INFORMATION, "InsertTags script: finished");

    private void showResults(TagsInserter visitor) {
        JScrollPane pane = new JScrollPane(visitor.getResults());
        pane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 200));
        windowManager.showMessageDialog("Results", IdeDialogType.INFORMATION, new Object[] {
            "Total source elements analyzed: " + visitor.getTotalProcessed(),
                "Total tags inserted: " + visitor.getTagsInserted(), pane

    private final static String DEFAULT_TAG = "author"; //tag name
    private final static String DEFAULT_TAG_VALUE = "Unknown"; //tag value
    private IdeWindowManager windowManager;

    /** This visitor insert tags in the various elements. */
    private class TagsInserter extends RwiVisitorAdapter {
        public TagsInserter(String tag, String tagValue) {
            myTag = tag;
            myTagValue = tagValue;
            processedNamesVector = new Vector();

        /** Returns a JList with the processed elements */
        public JList getResults() {
            JList processed = new JList(processedNamesVector);
            return processed;

        public int getTotalProcessed() { return myTotalElements; }

        public int getTagsInserted() { return myTagsInserted; }

        public Object visitPackage(RwiPackage rwiPackage) {
            RwiNodeEnumeration rwiNodeEnumeration = rwiPackage.nodes();
            //processing nodes...
            while (rwiNodeEnumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
                RwiNode nextRwiNode = rwiNodeEnumeration.nextRwiNode();
            RwiPackageEnumeration subpackages = rwiPackage.subpackages();
            //processing subpackages...
            while (subpackages.hasMoreElements()) {
                RwiPackage nextSubpackage = subpackages.nextRwiPackage();
            return null;

        public Object visitDiagram(RwiDiagram diagram) {
            //work only with class diagrams
            if (RwiShapeType.CLASS_DIAGRAM.equals(diagram.getProperty(RwiProperty.SHAPE_TYPE))) {
            return null;

        public Object visitNode(RwiNode rwiNode) {
            String comment = "";
            if (RwiShapeType.CLASS.equals(rwiNode.getProperty(RwiProperty.SHAPE_TYPE))) {
                if (rwiNode.hasProperty(RwiProperty.INTERFACE)) {
                    comment = " (interface) ";
                else {
                    comment = " (class) ";
                addTag(rwiNode, comment);
            return null;

        public Object visitMember(RwiMember member) {
            String comment = "";
            if (RwiShapeType.OPERATION.equals(member.getProperty(RwiProperty.SHAPE_TYPE))) {
                comment = " (operation) ";
                addTag(member, comment);
            } else if (RwiShapeType.ATTRIBUTE.equals(member.getProperty(RwiProperty.SHAPE_TYPE))) {
                comment = " (attribute) ";
                addTag(member, comment);
            return null;

        private void addTag(RwiElement element, String comment) {
            //using the RwiPropertyMap.addProperty (see api docs)
            String name = element.getProperty(RwiProperty.FULL_NAME);
            if (name == null || "".equals(name)) {
                name = element.getProperty(RwiProperty.NAME);
            if (element.canAddProperty(myTag, myTagValue)) {
                element.addProperty(myTag, myTagValue);
                processedNamesVector.addElement("processed: " + name + comment + " - tag inserted");
            else {
                processedNamesVector.addElement("processed: " + name + comment);

        private Vector processedNamesVector;
        private String myTag; //keeps the tag name
        private String myTagValue; //keeps the tag value
        private int myTagsInserted;
        private int myTotalElements;