GenericListserv.javaAPI DocApache James 2.3.110088Fri Jan 12 12:56:28 GMT 2007org.apache.james.transport.mailets


public abstract class GenericListserv extends org.apache.mailet.GenericMailet
An abstract implementation of a listserv. The underlying implementation must define various settings, and can vary in their individual configuration. Supports restricting to members only, allowing attachments or not, sending replies back to the list, and an optional subject prefix.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public org.apache.mailet.MailAddressgetListservAddress()
The email address that this listserv processes on. If returns null, will use the recipient of the message, which hopefully will be the correct email address assuming the matcher was properly specified.

        return null;
public abstract java.util.CollectiongetMembers()
Returns a Collection of MailAddress objects of members to receive this email

public abstract java.lang.StringgetSubjectPrefix()
An optional subject prefix.

public abstract booleanisAttachmentsAllowed()
Returns whether this listserv allow attachments

public abstract booleanisMembersOnly()
Returns whether this list should restrict to senders only

public booleanisPrefixAutoBracketed()
Should the subject prefix be automatically surrounded by [].

whether the subject prefix will be surrounded by []
MessagingException never, for this implementation

        return true; // preserve old behavior unless subclass overrides.
public abstract booleanisReplyToList()
Returns whether listserv should add reply-to header

private static java.lang.StringnormalizeSubject(java.lang.String subj, java.lang.String prefix)

This takes the subject string and reduces (normailzes) it. Multiple "Re:" entries are reduced to one, and capitalized. The prefix is always moved/placed at the beginning of the line, and extra blanks are reduced, so that the output is always of the form:

<prefix> + <one-optional-"Re:"*gt; + <remaining subject>

I have done extensive testing of this routine with a standalone driver, and am leaving the commented out debug messages so that when someone decides to enhance this method, it can be yanked it from this file, embedded it with a test driver, and the comments enabled.

        // JDK IMPLEMENTATION NOTE!  When we require JDK 1.4+, all
        // occurrences of subject.toString.().indexOf(...) can be
        // replaced by subject.indexOf(...).

        StringBuffer subject = new StringBuffer(subj);
        int prefixLength = prefix.length();

        // System.err.println("In:  " + subject);

        // If the "prefix" is not at the beginning the subject line, remove it
        int index = subject.toString().indexOf(prefix);
        if (index != 0) {
            // System.err.println("(p) index: " + index + ", subject: " + subject);
            if (index > 0) {
                subject.delete(index, index + prefixLength);
            subject.insert(0, prefix); // insert prefix at the front

        // Replace Re: with RE:
        String match = "Re:";
        index = subject.toString().indexOf(match, prefixLength);

        while(index > -1) {
            // System.err.println("(a) index: " + index + ", subject: " + subject);
            subject.replace(index, index + match.length(), "RE:");
            index = subject.toString().indexOf(match, prefixLength);
            // System.err.println("(b) index: " + index + ", subject: " + subject);

        // Reduce them to one at the beginning
        match ="RE:";
        int indexRE = subject.toString().indexOf(match, prefixLength) + match.length();
        index = subject.toString().indexOf(match, indexRE);
        while(index > 0) {
            // System.err.println("(c) index: " + index + ", subject: " + subject);
            subject.delete(index, index + match.length());
            index = subject.toString().indexOf(match, indexRE);
            // System.err.println("(d) index: " + index + ", subject: " + subject);

        // Reduce blanks
        match = "  ";
        index = subject.toString().indexOf(match, prefixLength);
        while(index > -1) {
            // System.err.println("(e) index: " + index + ", subject: " + subject);
            subject.replace(index, index + match.length(), " ");
            index = subject.toString().indexOf(match, prefixLength);
            // System.err.println("(f) index: " + index + ", subject: " + subject);

        // System.err.println("Out: " + subject);

        return subject.toString();
public final voidservice(org.apache.mailet.Mail mail)
Processes the message. Assumes it is the only recipient of this forked message.

        try {
            Collection members = getMembers();

            //Check for members only flag....
            if (isMembersOnly() && !members.contains(mail.getSender())) {
                //Need to bounce the message to say they can't send to this list
                getMailetContext().bounce(mail, "Only members of this listserv are allowed to send a message to this address.");

            //Check for no attachments
            if (!isAttachmentsAllowed() && mail.getMessage().getContent() instanceof MimeMultipart) {
                getMailetContext().bounce(mail, "You cannot send attachments to this listserv.");

            //Create a copy of this message to send out
            MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(mail.getMessage());
            //We need to remove this header from the copy we're sending around

            //Figure out the listserv address.
            MailAddress listservAddr = getListservAddress();
            if (listservAddr == null) {
                //Use the recipient
                listservAddr = (MailAddress)mail.getRecipients().iterator().next();

            //Check if the X-been-there header is set to the listserv's name
            //  (the address).  If it has, this means it's a message from this
            //  listserv that's getting bounced back, so we need to swallow it
            if (listservAddr.equals(message.getHeader("X-been-there"))) {

            //Set the subject if set
            String prefix = getSubjectPrefix();
            if (prefix != null) {
                if (isPrefixAutoBracketed()) {
                    StringBuffer prefixBuffer =
                        new StringBuffer(64)
                            .append("] ");
                    prefix = prefixBuffer.toString();
                String subj = message.getSubject();
                if (subj == null) {
                    subj = "";
                subj = normalizeSubject(subj, prefix);
                AbstractRedirect.changeSubject(message, subj);

            //If replies should go to this list, we need to set the header
            if (isReplyToList()) {
                message.setHeader(RFC2822Headers.REPLY_TO, listservAddr.toString());
            //We're going to set this special header to avoid bounces
            //  getting sent back out to the list
            message.setHeader("X-been-there", listservAddr.toString());

            //Send the message to the list members
            //We set the postmaster as the sender for now so bounces go to him/her
            getMailetContext().sendMail(getMailetContext().getPostmaster(), members, message);

            //Kill the old message
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new MailetException("Error creating listserv message", ioe);