ContainerTransactionStyle2.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API10082Fri May 04 22:33:32 BST

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import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.*;
import java.lang.ClassLoader;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;

 * ContainerTransaction Style 2 - Each container transaction element consists 
 * of a list of one or more method elements, and the trans-attribute element. 
 * The container transaction element specifies that all the listed methods are 
 * assigned the specified transaction attribute value.
 * Style 2: 
 *    <method> 
 *      <ejb-name> EJBNAME</ejb-name> 
 *      <method-name>METHOD</method-name> 
 *    </method> 
 * This style is used for referring to a specified method of the remote or home
 * interface of the specified enterprise bean. If there are multiple methods 
 * with the same overloaded name, this style refers to all the methods with the
 * same name. There must be at most one container transaction element that uses
 * the Style 2 method element for a given method name.  If there is also a 
 * container transaction element that uses Style 1 element for the same bean, 
 * the value specified by the Style 2 element takes precedence.
public class ContainerTransactionStyle2 extends EjbTest implements EjbCheck { 

     * Each container transaction element consists of a list of one or more 
     * method elements, and the trans-attribute element. The container transaction 
     * element specifies that all the listed methods are assigned the specified 
     * transaction attribute value.
     * Style 2: 
     *    <method> 
     *      <ejb-name> EJBNAME</ejb-name> 
     *      <method-name>METHOD</method-name> 
     *    </method> 
     * This style is used for referring to a specified method of the remote or home
     * interface of the specified enterprise bean. If there are multiple methods 
     * with the same overloaded name, this style refers to all the methods with the
     * same name. There must be at most one container transaction element that uses
     * the Style 2 method element for a given method name.  If there is also a 
     * container transaction element that uses Style 1 element for the same bean, 
     * the value specified by the Style 2 element takes precedence.
     * @param descriptor the Enterprise Java Bean deployment descriptor
     * @return <code>Result</code> the results for this assertion
    public Result check(EjbDescriptor descriptor) {

	Result result = getInitializedResult();
	ComponentNameConstructor compName = getVerifierContext().getComponentNameConstructor();

	// hack try/catch block around test, to exit gracefully instead of
	// crashing verifier on getMethodDescriptors() call, XML mods cause
	// java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: verifier.ejb.hello.BogusEJB
	// Replacing <ejb-class>verifier.ejb.hello.HelloEJB with
	//  <ejb-class>verifier.ejb.hello.BogusEJB...
	try  {
	    boolean oneFailed = false;
            if (!descriptor.getMethodContainerTransactions().isEmpty()) {
	        int na = 0;
		for (Enumeration ee = descriptor.getMethodContainerTransactions().keys(); ee.hasMoreElements();) {
		    MethodDescriptor methodDescriptor = (MethodDescriptor) ee.nextElement();
                    // see if it's a style 2
                    if (methodDescriptor.getParameterClassNames() == null) {
	                int foundIt = 0;

                        // found style 2, now see if it's the only one 
                        // for given method name
                        for (Enumeration eee = descriptor.getMethodContainerTransactions().keys(); eee.hasMoreElements();) {

		            MethodDescriptor matchingMethodDescriptor = (MethodDescriptor) eee.nextElement();
                            // see if this md is style 2 ?
                            if (matchingMethodDescriptor.getParameterClassNames() == null) {
                                // now see if it's the same name as previously
                                // encountered method name
		                if (methodDescriptor.getName().equals(matchingMethodDescriptor.getName())) {
                        }  // report after this inner loop

		        // report for this particular set of Container tx's
                        // DOL only saves one container tx with "*", so can't fail...
		        if (foundIt == 1) {
						   "For [ {0} ]",
						   new Object[] {compName.toString()}));
					  (getClass().getName() + ".passed",
					   "Container Transaction method name [ {0} ] defined only once in [ {1} ] bean.",
					   new Object[] {methodDescriptor.getName(), descriptor.getName()}));
		        } else if (foundIt > 1) {
                            if (!oneFailed) {
	                        oneFailed = false;
						    "For [ {0} ]",
						    new Object[] {compName.toString()}));
					  (getClass().getName() + ".failed",
					   "Error: Container Transaction method name [ {0} ] is defined [ {1} ] times in [ {2} ] bean.  Method name container transaction style{3} is allowed only once per bean.",
					   new Object[] {methodDescriptor.getName(), new Integer(foundIt), descriptor.getName(),new Integer(2)}));
		        } else {
						 "For [ {0} ]",
						 new Object[] {compName.toString()}));
						 (getClass().getName() + ".notApplicable1",
						  "Container Transaction method name [ {0} ] not defined in [ {1} ] bean.",
						  new Object[] {methodDescriptor.getName(), descriptor.getName()}));
		    } else { // not a style 2
					     "For [ {0} ]",
					     new Object[] {compName.toString()}));
					     (getClass().getName() + ".notApplicable2",
					      "Container Transaction method name [ {0} ] not defined as style{1} container transaction within [ {2} ].",
					      new Object[] {methodDescriptor.getName(), new Integer(2), descriptor.getName()}));
		}  // for all method container tx's

                if (oneFailed) {
                } else if (na == descriptor.getMethodContainerTransactions().size()){
                } else {
	        return result; 
	    } else {  // if !descriptor.getMethodContainerTransactions().isEmpty
				     "For [ {0} ]",
				     new Object[] {compName.toString()}));
				     (getClass().getName() + ".notApplicable",
				      "There are no container transactions within this bean [ {0} ]", 
				      new Object[] {descriptor.getName()}));
	        return result; 
	} catch (Throwable t) {
				    "For [ {0} ]",
				    new Object[] {compName.toString()}));
			  (getClass().getName() + ".failedException2",
			   "Error: [ {0} ] does not contain class [ {1} ] within bean [ {2} ]",
			   new Object[] {descriptor.getName(), t.getMessage(), descriptor.getName()}));
	    return result;