ContainerTransactionStyle2.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API10082Fri May 04 22:33:32 BST


public class ContainerTransactionStyle2 extends implements
ContainerTransaction Style 2 - Each container transaction element consists of a list of one or more method elements, and the trans-attribute element. The container transaction element specifies that all the listed methods are assigned the specified transaction attribute value. Style 2: EJBNAME METHOD This style is used for referring to a specified method of the remote or home interface of the specified enterprise bean. If there are multiple methods with the same overloaded name, this style refers to all the methods with the same name. There must be at most one container transaction element that uses the Style 2 method element for a given method name. If there is also a container transaction element that uses Style 1 element for the same bean, the value specified by the Style 2 element takes precedence.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public Resultcheck(EjbDescriptor descriptor)
Each container transaction element consists of a list of one or more method elements, and the trans-attribute element. The container transaction element specifies that all the listed methods are assigned the specified transaction attribute value. Style 2: EJBNAME METHOD This style is used for referring to a specified method of the remote or home interface of the specified enterprise bean. If there are multiple methods with the same overloaded name, this style refers to all the methods with the same name. There must be at most one container transaction element that uses the Style 2 method element for a given method name. If there is also a container transaction element that uses Style 1 element for the same bean, the value specified by the Style 2 element takes precedence.

descriptor the Enterprise Java Bean deployment descriptor
Result the results for this assertion

	Result result = getInitializedResult();
	ComponentNameConstructor compName = getVerifierContext().getComponentNameConstructor();

	// hack try/catch block around test, to exit gracefully instead of
	// crashing verifier on getMethodDescriptors() call, XML mods cause
	// java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: verifier.ejb.hello.BogusEJB
	// Replacing <ejb-class>verifier.ejb.hello.HelloEJB with
	//  <ejb-class>verifier.ejb.hello.BogusEJB...
	try  {
	    boolean oneFailed = false;
            if (!descriptor.getMethodContainerTransactions().isEmpty()) {
	        int na = 0;
		for (Enumeration ee = descriptor.getMethodContainerTransactions().keys(); ee.hasMoreElements();) {
		    MethodDescriptor methodDescriptor = (MethodDescriptor) ee.nextElement();
                    // see if it's a style 2
                    if (methodDescriptor.getParameterClassNames() == null) {
	                int foundIt = 0;

                        // found style 2, now see if it's the only one 
                        // for given method name
                        for (Enumeration eee = descriptor.getMethodContainerTransactions().keys(); eee.hasMoreElements();) {

		            MethodDescriptor matchingMethodDescriptor = (MethodDescriptor) eee.nextElement();
                            // see if this md is style 2 ?
                            if (matchingMethodDescriptor.getParameterClassNames() == null) {
                                // now see if it's the same name as previously
                                // encountered method name
		                if (methodDescriptor.getName().equals(matchingMethodDescriptor.getName())) {
                        }  // report after this inner loop

		        // report for this particular set of Container tx's
                        // DOL only saves one container tx with "*", so can't fail...
		        if (foundIt == 1) {
						   "For [ {0} ]",
						   new Object[] {compName.toString()}));
					  (getClass().getName() + ".passed",
					   "Container Transaction method name [ {0} ] defined only once in [ {1} ] bean.",
					   new Object[] {methodDescriptor.getName(), descriptor.getName()}));
		        } else if (foundIt > 1) {
                            if (!oneFailed) {
	                        oneFailed = false;
						    "For [ {0} ]",
						    new Object[] {compName.toString()}));
					  (getClass().getName() + ".failed",
					   "Error: Container Transaction method name [ {0} ] is defined [ {1} ] times in [ {2} ] bean.  Method name container transaction style{3} is allowed only once per bean.",
					   new Object[] {methodDescriptor.getName(), new Integer(foundIt), descriptor.getName(),new Integer(2)}));
		        } else {
						 "For [ {0} ]",
						 new Object[] {compName.toString()}));
						 (getClass().getName() + ".notApplicable1",
						  "Container Transaction method name [ {0} ] not defined in [ {1} ] bean.",
						  new Object[] {methodDescriptor.getName(), descriptor.getName()}));
		    } else { // not a style 2
					     "For [ {0} ]",
					     new Object[] {compName.toString()}));
					     (getClass().getName() + ".notApplicable2",
					      "Container Transaction method name [ {0} ] not defined as style{1} container transaction within [ {2} ].",
					      new Object[] {methodDescriptor.getName(), new Integer(2), descriptor.getName()}));
		}  // for all method container tx's

                if (oneFailed) {
                } else if (na == descriptor.getMethodContainerTransactions().size()){
                } else {
	        return result; 
	    } else {  // if !descriptor.getMethodContainerTransactions().isEmpty
				     "For [ {0} ]",
				     new Object[] {compName.toString()}));
				     (getClass().getName() + ".notApplicable",
				      "There are no container transactions within this bean [ {0} ]", 
				      new Object[] {descriptor.getName()}));
	        return result; 
	} catch (Throwable t) {
				    "For [ {0} ]",
				    new Object[] {compName.toString()}));
			  (getClass().getName() + ".failedException2",
			   "Error: [ {0} ] does not contain class [ {1} ] within bean [ {2} ]",
			   new Object[] {descriptor.getName(), t.getMessage(), descriptor.getName()}));
	    return result;