MapCapableBase.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API10064Fri May 04 22:30:30 BST

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import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;


	Base impl class.

public abstract class MapCapableBase implements MapCapable
	private Map<String,Serializable>	mFields;
	private boolean		    mWasMadeImmutable;
	private String		    mClassName;
 	    public int
 	    return ObjectUtil.hashCode( mFields, mClassName) ^
 	                (mWasMadeImmutable ? 1 : 0);
	MapCapableBase( final String className )
		mFields				= new HashMap<String,Serializable>();
		mWasMadeImmutable	= false;
		mClassName			= className;
		protected <T extends Serializable>
		final Map<String,T>		m,
		final String	        className)
		this( className );
		mClassName	= className;
		if ( m != null )
			putAll( m );
			// if present, remove the type
			getFields().remove( MAP_CAPABLE_CLASS_NAME_KEY );
		protected <T extends Serializable> void 
	checkValidType( final Map<String,T> m, final String requiredType )
		final String	type	= (String)m.get( MAP_CAPABLE_CLASS_NAME_KEY );
		if ( ! requiredType.equals( type ) )
			throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Illegal MAP_CAPABLE_CLASS_NAME_KEY: " + type );
		Return true if internal state is valid, false otherwise.
	protected abstract	boolean	validate();
		Return the type name which will be paired with MAP_CAPABLE_CLASS_NAME_KEY.
		public String
		return( mClassName );
		protected void
	illegalObject( final Object o )
		throw new IllegalArgumentException(
					"Object is of illegal class and/or non-Serializable class " +
					o.getClass().getName() );
		protected void
	checkInJavaUtil( final Object o)
		if ( ! o.getClass().getName().startsWith( "java.util." ) )
			illegalObject( o );
		We restrict the set of legal types to:
		<li>Collection whose values meet these restrictions</li>
		<li>arrays whose values meet these restrictions</li>
		<li>Map whose keys and values meet these restrictions</li>
		<li>Throwable which are part of java or javax</li>
		<li>MapCapable whose Map meets these restrictions (assuming allowMapCapable is true)</li>
		protected final void
		final Object    o,
		final boolean	allowMapCapable )
		if ( o != null )
		    // we can't check for "instanceof Serializable" because items such as
		    // HashMap use a non-Serializable key set; it apparently serializes
		    // the key set when it itself is serialized.
			if ( o instanceof Collection )
				checkInJavaUtil( o );

                final Collection<?> oc  = TypeCast.asCollection( o );
				for( final Object next : oc )
					checkLegalObject( next );
			else if ( o.getClass().getComponentType() != null )
				// it's an array
				final Object[]   ta  = (Object[])o;
				for( int i = 0; i < ta.length; ++i )
					checkLegalObject( ta[i] );
			else if ( o instanceof MapCapable )
				if ( allowMapCapable )
					checkLegalObject( ((MapCapable)o).asMap() );
					illegalObject( o );
			else if ( o instanceof Map )
				checkInJavaUtil( o );
				checkLegalObject( ((Map)o).keySet() );
				checkLegalObject( ((Map)o).values() );
			else if ( o instanceof Throwable )
				final String	classname	= o.getClass().getName();
				if ( !	(classname.startsWith( "java." ) ||
						classname.startsWith( "javax." )) )
					illegalObject( o );
				checkLegalObject( asT( ((Throwable)o).getCause() ) );
			else if ( OpenMBeanUtil.getSimpleType( o.getClass() ) == null )
				illegalObject( o );
	    private Serializable
	asT( final Object o )
	    return Serializable.class.cast( o );
		protected final void
	checkLegalObject(  final Object	o )
		checkLegalObject( o, true );
		protected boolean
		final String	key,
		final Class<?>	theClass )
		final Object o	= getField( key );
		return( o == null || theClass.isAssignableFrom( o.getClass() ) );
		protected final void
		if ( ! validate() )
			throw new IllegalArgumentException( toString() );
	    protected Serializable
	asMapHook( final String key, final Serializable value)
		Serializable  result	= value;
		if ( result instanceof MapCapable )
		    final Map<String,Serializable> m = ((MapCapable)result).asMap();
		    TypeCast.checkSerializable( m );
			result	= Serializable.class.cast( m );
		return result;

		public final Map<String,Serializable>
		final Map<String,Serializable>	result	= new HashMap<String,Serializable>();
		// convert all MapCapable into Map
		for( final String key : getFields().keySet() )
		    final Serializable value    = getField( key );
			Serializable  s	= asMapHook( key, value );
			result.put( key, s );
		result.put( MAP_CAPABLE_CLASS_NAME_KEY, getMapClassName() );
		checkLegalObject( result, false );
		return( result );
		Make this Object immutable.
		public void
		if ( ! mWasMadeImmutable )
			mFields	= Collections.unmodifiableMap( mFields );
			mWasMadeImmutable	= true;
		Add a field to the object.  The Object can choose to reject addition
		of the field.
		public void
		final String key,
		final Serializable     value )
		checkLegalObject( value );
		final Serializable newValue	= putFieldHook( key, value );
		getFields().put( key, newValue );
		protected Serializable
		final String        key,
		final Serializable  value )
		return( value );
		Add fields one-by-one so we can check compliance with OpenTypes
		protected <T extends Serializable>void
	putAll( final Map<String,T> m )
		if ( m != null )
			for( final String key : m.keySet() )
				putField( key, m.get( key ) );
		private Map<String,Serializable>
		return( mFields );
		protected Serializable
	getField( String key )
		return( getFields().get( key ) );
		protected final Serializable
	getObject( final String key )
		return( getFields().get( key ) );
		protected final String
	getString( final String key )
		return( (String)getObject( key ) );
		protected final String[]
	getStringArray( final String key )
		return( (String[])getObject( key ) );
		protected final Boolean
	getBoolean( final String key )
		return( (Boolean)getObject( key ) );
		protected final Byte
	getByte( final String key )
		return( (Byte)getObject( key ) );
		protected final boolean
	getboolean( final String key )
		final Boolean	b	= getBoolean( key );
		if ( b == null )
			throw new IllegalArgumentException( key );
		return( b.booleanValue() );
		protected final Integer
	getInteger( final String key )
		return( (Integer)getObject( key ) );

        protected final Map<String,Serializable>
    getMap( final String key )
        return (Map<String,Serializable>)getObject( key );

		protected final File
	getFile( final String key )
		final String	s	= getString( key );
		return( s == null ? null : new File( s ) );
		public boolean
	equals( final Object o )
		if ( o == this )
			return( true );
		else if ( ! (o instanceof MapCapableBase) )
			return( false );
		boolean	equals	= false;
		final MapCapableBase	rhs	= (MapCapableBase)o;
		equals	= MapUtil.mapsEqual( getFields(), rhs.getFields() );
		return( equals );
		public String
		return( MapUtil.toString( getFields() ) );