ParamInfo.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API10062Fri May 04 22:33:18 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.admin.common


public class ParamInfo extends Object
A class to create the signatures of various methods of known classes/interfaces from object instances. This is handy when the methods that are called involve introspection. The caller of various methods in this class just provides the instances of various parameters of methods on target classes/interfaces. The class in turn does basic introspection and derives the class objects from instances and creates the signature to relieve the callers of doing this task.

The most generic use of methods in this class requires callers to form the arrays of objects before calling them. But convenience methods are provided with 1, 2, 3 and 4 parameters (which covers 90 % of signatures). This way, callers are not forced to create object arrays every time.

Note that this class only handles java.lang.Object and its subclasses. Not designed for primitives. So methods of this class are not useful for methods that contain parameters that contain both primitives and Objects.

An important thing to note is that since this class tries to get the class from the passed instance of a class, it will always generate exact class (and none of its super classes). Thus it is unlike (and less powerful) than the static method call where one can call a method with an Object parameter passing instances of *any* of its subclasses.

Senthil Chidambaram

Fields Summary
protected String
protected String[]
protected Object[]
protected boolean
private static final HashMap
private static final HashMap
Constructors Summary
public ParamInfo(String operationName, Object param1, Object param2, Object param3, Object param4)
Construct a ParamInfo object for an operation with four parameters. Then it calls the ParamInfo array object constructor to set the signature for the parameters.

operationName name of the operation
param1 Parameter for the operation
param2 Second parameter for the operation
param3 Third parameter for the operation
param4 Fourth parameter

        this(operationName, new Object[]{param1, param2, param3, param4});
public ParamInfo(String operationName, Object[] params)
Constructor takes the operationName, and an array of Object Parameters. This constructor calls the paramstoClassNames to set the signature of the params array object.

        mOperationName	= operationName;
        mParams		= params;

        mSignature	= paramsToClassNames( params );
public ParamInfo(String operationName)

        this(operationName, new Object[0]);
public ParamInfo(String operationName, Object param)
Construct a ParamInfo object for an operation with a single parameter This constructor calls the ParamInfo array object constructor to set the signature for the param object.

operationName name of the operation
param Parameter for the operation

        this(operationName, new Object[]{param} );
public ParamInfo(String operationName, Object param1, Object param2)
Construct a ParamInfo object for an operation with two parameters. Then it calls the ParamInfo array object constructor to set the signature for the parameters.

operationName name of the operation
param1 Parameter for the operation
param2 Second parameter for the operation

        this(operationName, new Object[]{param1, param2});
public ParamInfo(String operationName, Object param1, Object param2, Object param3)
Construct a ParamInfo object for an operation with three parameters. Then it calls the ParamInfo array object constructor to set the signature for the parameters.

operationName name of the operation
param1 Parameter for the operation
param2 Second parameter for the operation
param3 Third parameter for the operation

        this(operationName, new Object[]{param1, param2, param3});
Methods Summary
private static java.util.HashMapcreatePrimitiveClassesMap()

        HashMap primitiveClassMap = new HashMap();
        primitiveClassMap.put("int", Integer.TYPE);
        primitiveClassMap.put("boolean", Boolean.TYPE);
        primitiveClassMap.put("float", Float.TYPE);
        primitiveClassMap.put("double", Double.TYPE);
        primitiveClassMap.put("byte", Byte.TYPE);
        primitiveClassMap.put("char", Character.TYPE);
        primitiveClassMap.put("short", Short.TYPE);
        primitiveClassMap.put("long", Long.TYPE);

        return primitiveClassMap;
private static java.util.HashMapcreatePrimitivesMap()
Creates a lookup table to get primitive class names corresponding to their wrapper objects.

HashMap Returns the HashMap of the Class Primitive type key/value pairs.


    // create a lookup table to get primitive class names corresponding to their wrapper objects

        HashMap primitives = new HashMap();
        primitives.put(Integer.class, "int");
        primitives.put(Boolean.class, "boolean");
        primitives.put(Float.class, "float");
        primitives.put(Double.class, "double");
        primitives.put(Byte.class, "byte");
        primitives.put(Character.class, "char");
        primitives.put(Short.class, "short");
        primitives.put(Long.class, "long");

        return primitives;
public java.lang.StringgetOperationName()
Method returns the operationName.


        return mOperationName;
public java.lang.Object[]getParams()
Method returns an array of params Object.

Object array of params.

        return mParams;
public static java.lang.ClassgetPrimitiveClass(java.lang.String type)

        return ( (Class) mPrimitiveClasses.get(type) );
public java.lang.String[]getSignature()
Method returns the String array of signatures.

String array of signatures.

        return mSignature;
public voidinitCoercionOptions()
Forces the primitive type conversion to false. So that certain classes are not covnerted.

        mForcePrimitives = false;
public java.lang.String[]paramsToClassNames(java.lang.Object[] params)
Sets the classname(signature) for the parametes in the Object array.

String array of signatures

        String[] signature = new String[params.length];

        for(int ctr = 0; ctr < params.length; ctr++)
            Object primitive = null;

            if(mForcePrimitives)    // see if this object's class represents a primitive
                primitive = mPrimitives.get(params[ctr].getClass());
            /* Certain Operations on the MBean take primitive types like "int", instead
            * of the Integer object. We can't pass primitive types across the wire.
            * So, we're setting the signature to int, and passing Integer parameter.
            * We do this for all primitive types if mForcePrimitives is true.
            if (primitive != null)
                signature[ctr] = (String) primitive;
                signature[ctr] = params[ctr].getClass().getName();
        return signature;